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Middle Eastern/Arabic dude that runs the corner store

β€œYo Ock, let me get a bacon, egg & cheese!”

by RealAssNewYorker April 12, 2018

1712πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


The arabic man in the corner store

Person 1 :Yo ock lemme get a straw
Ock:I gotchu

by NewYorker101 May 17, 2019

346πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Old Philly term replaced by dawg, nigga, god, son, etc...

What up ock?

by KoolDaddy June 19, 2003

985πŸ‘ 385πŸ‘Ž


Another way to say okay. It originated in a video by the Computer Clan aboot Spoof OS’s Hack OS X Public Beta.

Him: Can you please buy me a coke?
Me: Ock. I’ll return in 10 minutes.

In CC Video: β€œTry using a real browser. So we press β€œock”, and it’s closed.

by Speedqueen May 14, 2021

31πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž


A noun, verb or adjective. Ock is a proper name of a very cool, handsome and saucy boy or Used a multipurpose, multimeaning substitute word which can be used in a sentence to replace any word which may be inappropriate to say around mixed company

1. I really like Ock he’s a nice and saucy boy.

2. I am going to Ock you in your ocking ock you ocking Ock hole

by Creamylover69 July 3, 2020

17πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž


Can be used as a Noun or verb, meaning poop.

ex. "Pull over at the next rest stop; I need to go Ock".

ex. "Took a big Ock the other day!"

by Me2256 October 19, 2011

28πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž


Someone aciddently click "c" while typing ok,

-can I play with you?


by KaczkaThe July 15, 2019

8πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž