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Oingo Boingo

Excellent, quite original band with unique style, often compared to Devo. Fronted by Danny Elfman, who wrote the theme song for The Simpsons, has scored several movies (incredibly well) including nearly every Tim Burton film ever made. Acts as the singing voice for Jack Skellington in the classic Disney film "Nightmare Before Christmas." The other members of the band, while brilliant, are often ignored because of Elfman's overwhelming stage presence. Oingo Boingo's best songs can be found on "The Oingo Boingo Anthology," which features "Little Girls," "Only a Lad," "On the Outside," "Wild Sex in the Working Class," "Not My Slave," and several other interesting tunes. Oingo Boingo was formed in California and originally went by the name "Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo," which was later shortened.
Elfman's vocal range is otherworldly, so Boingo's songs never get boring. Check this band out.

I was listening to Oingo Boingo all for several hours last night and had a seizure from their awesomeness.

by Dr. Terwilliker November 11, 2005

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Oingo Boingo

The best band in the universe, fronted by Danny Elfman. Danny Elfman is basically the mortal equivalent of Jesus Christ, only with more chops.

I must repent for my sins and be saved, let me play some Oingo Boingo records.

by Mel May 16, 2006

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Oingo Boingo

An eccentric little rock band known for some of their bizarre, macabre music. And for their leader singer-the amazing Danny Elfman. Before he wrote half the soundtracks in the world (Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Batman, The Nightmare Before Christmas) Danny Elfman led himself this little rock band called Oingo Boingo. Actually they weren't so little; in fact, the eight-man band boasted one of rock's finest horn sections in addition to Elfman's devilishly good, often humorous songs. Elfman is in perfect vocal form, leading the combo through their biggest hits, including 'Wierd Science' (which put Elfman on the soundtrack path) as well as Boingo chestnuts "Fool's Paradise" and the infectious, macabre title track to Dead Man's Party!

Dead Man's Party is one of Boingo's finest hours, melding their whacked-out mix of XTC, Frank Zappa, and Tower of Power with a genuine pop sensibility.

by Baker December 22, 2003

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oingo boingo

Great ska-electrofunk-disco band fronted by Danny Elfman. Appeared in the worst movie ever, "The Forbidden Zone". Best album was *NOT* "Dead Man's Party" (like everybody says), but "Nothing to Fear" (1982). Got a little bland after 1985 when Danny started scoring movies and this became his part-time job. Would eventually influence bands like Fishbone and Mr. Bungle.

Have you ever heard (insert 1979 - 1983 era Oingo Boingo album song title)??? It's kickin' rad!

by NPDeany January 9, 2004

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(1) (n.) the art of sex coinciding with a pole and macaroni.
(2) (n.) a sex position that requires at least ten hours of moonlight.
(3) (v.) to hump so rapidly as to create fire.
(4) (adj.) humpable in the moonlight.

(1) "Damn Megan. You and Evan went home for some oingo-boingo Saturday night?"
(2) "Megan's plans for oingo-boingo with Evan were foiled by the absence of moonlight."
(3) "I oingo-boingo all night long with Evan Ponic."
(4) "Wow that foreign exchange student named Evan is so oingo-boingo."

by Marvin Lingweeny October 9, 2007

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Oingo Boingo Brothers

Two guys who are shit at killing the Stardust Crusaders, but have a great theme song.

The Oingo Boingo Brothers art style is creepy as fuck.

by grease_of_sandwich November 5, 2020

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo

A musical-comedy-theatrical troupe that lasted through the 70s. The large group of weirdos and whack-jobs was fronted by Richard Elfman. The group appeared on "The Gong Show" in 1976 and won. In 1979, Richard turned the reins over to his younger brother Danny, who shortened the name and created the eight-man rock group Oingo Boingo. In 1980, the Mystic Knights were featured in, and performed the music for, Richard Elfman's "no-budget" musical comedy "Forbidden Zone."
The groups acts usually consisted of sight gags and eccentric costumes. The most notable was a giant dragon suit that appeared on "The Gong Show" and, during one of their shows, sprayed the audience with his fire-extinguisher penis. The group had only one release in the 70s by Penthouse Records (a division of the magazine) and is extremely hard to find; however videos and bootleg performances can be found online.

Appearing tonight on "The Gong Show"... The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo!

by Sylvestro September 7, 2007

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