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ok kid

Usually a teenager that suffers from teenage angst. They are frustrated most of the time, and when anybody asks how they're doing they respond with "I'm ok" or "yeah I'm fine", because of their antisocial ways they don't want to communicate with anyone and tell them truth about how they feel. They bottle up their insecurities, cause they cant find their purpose in life. They always overthink and compare themselves to other kids, "Why cant I be like him?" "Am I useless?" "Why don't people talk to me?" meaning they bring themselves down for not being enough. They don't even realize their own problems, or just don't want to admit that they aren't okay depending on the situation. They brush things (or big problems) off their shoulders; when they could solve them. Typically they are the type of people to be shy and nervous suffering from problems they created, and can be confused for being emo or depressed just because they haven't found themselves yet. No being an ok kid doesn't make you emo, just in this situation you dont realize what you offer in this world. You cant even appreciate yourself, so how are you supposed to appreciate the things in life.

Extra: Most people like this are lazy because they feel like its a waste of time to do stuff you aren't benefiting from. Most people like this are soft and cant handle things thrown at them, so they turn that into anger. Kind of social rejects.

Why is that ok kid so awkward, he dresses so terribly.

That guy doesn't talk to anyone, what a weirdo.

Is that kid depressed or something?

by Blugan August 13, 2021