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A poo so voluminous and energetic that it is literally everywhere. In practise, it is mostly used to describe a poo done by a baby or toddler that squirts out of the back of the nappy and is spreads to various places in the vicinity. Omnipoos are particularly difficult to deal with as they have a habit of spreading about when you try and change the child, particularly if the child is a wriggler. Omnipoos normally have a sticky and liquid quality about them, facilitating the spread of the fecal matter around the area. It some respects they can be compared to liquid hydrogen as it approaches absolute zero and becomes a super fluid, but there is nothing super about an omnipoo, although they could be used to deter crime. Omnipoo is synonymous with omniturd, omnishit, omnicrap, omnipoop, omnimerde, omnidung, omnistool or omninumbertwo.

Omnipoo can also be used to describe a mistake or mess so bad that it literally covers everything in crap.

Simon's date with Helen was going swimmingly, although there was a slight stink in the air. Simon paid it no mind as he finally thought he had found the one. That point in the evening had come when it was time to settle the bill. Helen had suggested going back to her place as Simon reached for his wallet. He held Helen's gaze as he pulled out a fresh £50 note and placed it done on the table. Helen squinted and started sniffing at a pungent order. Simultaneously they looked down to see a large brown gooey mess covering one end of the note. Simon saw the brown mess on his hands also, and the table. Helen covered her mouth and ran to the toilets never to be seen again.
"What is her problem?" the waiter asked
"I was round at my sister's before I came out. It looks like he did an omnipoo."

by 2Bears-in-a-trap October 20, 2021