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One-night friend

A one-night friend is an internet friend that you stay up late to chat with, but ghosts you the next morning and never talks to you ever again.

A: 'I met a really great girl last night on discord! We have so much in common.'
B: 'Really? Have you talked to her today?'
A: 'No, she left me on read.'
B: 'That sucks, she's probably only a one-night friend'

by oftmice June 28, 2019

3👍 1👎

one night friends

When you go out and make friends but you were too wasted to get numbers or just too wasted and you'll never be friends in real life. "One night friends"

"Oh my god, look at my snap story of all my one night friends!"

by adri_beezy December 7, 2016

4👍 3👎

One Night Stand Friend

A temporary friend who you talk to on only one occasion. Most often happens between mutual friends at a party. The night after the party, you never speak, except for infrequent but uncomfortable small talk.

John: Hey man, its so weird. After that party, Jessica and I have not talked once. Its pretty awkward.

Paul: Oh yeah. I think thats happened to all of us at some point. It feels awkward after casual sex.

John: But no! We didn't have sex. We were only friends.

Paul: Oh! I get it. But you two are in love.

John: No were not! We were nothing except for good friends on Friday.

Paul: Oh Yeah. Okay. You were just one night stand friends. I think anyone who has ever been to a party has experienced that.

by rogerthewhale September 10, 2010

183👍 65👎