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Ooga Booga Booga

A sad but surprisingly affective phrase often used by Eustace to scare the crap out of Courage in the animated cartoon, Courage the Cowardly Dog. When scaring someone using this phrase, be sure to wear a mask larger than your body.

Eustace: Hey ya stupid dog, look what I got for ya'...

Courage: Aru?

*turns around and puts on giant scary mask*


Courage: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Eustace: Lol.

by Shamanized July 29, 2008

242👍 38👎

Ooga Booga Booga

A word an old man would use to scare a purple dog, usually by the name "Courage"

Eustace: "Come here boy I have something for you"
Eustace: ". . ."


by CourageTheCowardlyHuman October 13, 2014

21👍 7👎

Ooga Booga Booga

The onomatopoeia, used to describe the sound apes (mainly gorillas and orangutans) make. Gorillas are known to say this when banging their chests.

Gorilla 1: (Makes screeching noises)
Gorilla 2: Ooga Booga Booga! (bangs chest).

by I<3Gorillas November 25, 2011

25👍 17👎

ooga booga booga

2nd most commonly used scare phrase. The first is Boo!

Person walks around the corner and out of no where a man pops up and says "Ooga booga booga!"

by Sam Hoover July 13, 2008

31👍 14👎

360 Ooga Booga Booga

A term Fortnite streamer Daequan uses when he spins in the air in the game. This is especially used when he spins and eliminates someone.

Daequan:"360 Ooga Booga Booga!"

by randomkiddie October 14, 2018

31👍 7👎

ooga booga du ooga booga doh

Idk language: "We got to celebrate our differences"

ooga booga du ooga booga doh

by TheGuyMakingNewWords123 October 12, 2021

8👍 1👎

ooga booga do ooga booga dong

cavemanish for "I don't speak english"

english speaker: hello
cavemanish speaker: ooga booga do ooga booga dong
english speaker: bunga dooga nog booga
cavemanish speaker: kooga

by ooga booga do, ooga booga dong November 30, 2021