Says the article. They're talking about how they called Scarlett Johansson and asked to use her voice so they went ahead and just... You know... Used a voices that is almost virtually identical....
Hym "Yeah, like... I don't know what part of 'THEY LITERALLY STOLE THE A.I.' You dipshits don't seem to understand. I mean, you let them steal my likeness... You let them steal A.I.... THEY JUST GET TO DO THIS NOW! You set a precedent by letting them do it to me. It doesn't matter that you don't like the fact that I would murder your kids for 3 slices of cheese and a diet soda... They get to take your likeness. They get to steal from you things UP TO AND INCLUDING THE LITERAL CREATION OF A.I. And now.... They can do THIS. See how that works? So, they steal ScarJoh's voice. Maybe they decide they want to do like a Cortana type thing and they want to give it a face... They got caught doing the ScarJoh voice... They'll have to be sneaky next time... So maybe some random model gets her face stolen. It's... I... Did I not explain this correctly? You see how that is entirely your fault, right? 'OpenAI has given away the game' is the name of the article. Look it up."