The Opportunistic Racist follows the same mantra as the Preferential Racist, but is completely self aware of the hypocrisy and doesn't care since their goals are to weaponize grievances in a "rules for thee, but not for me" fashion. The Opportunistic Racist will use tactics such as cry bullying, tu quoque, misdirection, gaslighting, etc to paint their opposition in a bad light. However, they would do any of those same exact same things themselves and not see it as a problem. It's a form of projection, and a weaponization against their opponents of their preferential racism and hatred. They are essentially a more directly malicious version of the Preferential Racist. It is not uncommon to see these people as full time Grievance Grifters / Race Hustlers.
See Preferential Racist
See Crybully / Cry Bully
Opportunistic Racist: You need to pronounce Serra Heideonslanik's name properly! You don't care enough to pronounce it correctly, because you're racist!
Opportunistic Racist a week earlier: Steve Willawollabingbang is an idiot and I hope he get's hit by a car! How could anyone have given him that position?! (Actual name: Steve Williams)