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orange mound

Orange Mound was the FIRST African American neighborhood to be built by African Americans and at one time the Largest African American community outside of Harlem NY. It was home to the blues and it's many influential musicians.

BB King, Bobby Blue Bland at on time, all lived or performed in Orange Mound.

by Black Gone-D August 26, 2006

179👍 68👎

orange mound

Contrary to popular belief, Orange Mound is a particularly old neighborhood in Memphis that is almost completely black but no one moves there. High school in the area is Melrose. With all of the old people in Orange Mound, it is expected to become more and more barren within the next 20 years.

Melrose, a Tennessee high school football powerhouse, resides in Orange Mound.

by spartan117 February 3, 2005

225👍 110👎

orange mound

the most super place EVER !

JIMMY -hey tommy !? wanna go get crunk in orange mound !?

TIMMY- Sure Jimmy, but let me get my bitches round up first. AND DON'T FORGET THE JUNGLE JUICE !

by treyp16 March 7, 2007

41👍 92👎

orange mound

Rob's hangout in Memphis, TN.

yo nigga, we gonna go chill at the orange mound tonight??

by sweet October 27, 2003

35👍 160👎

Orange Mound

A black section of Memphis, TN that is super-dangerous. Bred Memphis rap duo 8Ball and MJG. The place where u are guaranteed to see shooting, carjacking and gang violence.

Straight from the underground, fat boy from the Mound.

by Bay Area Don't Play August 8, 2004

173👍 104👎

Orange Mound

Orange mound was the first ever community made for African Americans by African Americans. It borders East Memphis and South Memphis, sitting roughly between Highland and Airways east to west and Lamar and Southern south to north.

Orange Mound is known by white Memphians "the most dangerous neighborhood in Memphis", which of course isn't true. It is more dangerous than most, but it only gets the reputation as the worst because it is a very well known area, probably because of its close proximity to The University of Memphis.

Park cuts straight through Orange Mound, and is perfectly fine to drive down, even at night. But if you're white you probably don't need to be walking around there. If you do it at night you probably deserve whatever ill fate you will inevitably meet.

Often its name is just shortened to The Mound.

"I hear shots ringing out from Orange Mound and Sherwood Forest every single night"

"Damn I thought you lived in a nice house on campus"

"Yeah but The Mound is just one block away"

by b9cl November 25, 2021

2👍 1👎