The only sensible way to describe the colossally oblivious staff at Urban Dictionary, who wouldn't be able to spot culturally relevant humour if it was fashioned into a .50 caliber machine gun round and fired into their gormless, fuckwitted faces.
You are Out Of Touch Cunts.
Out Of Touch Cunts is what you are.
Tourist: "Excusez moi, I was 'oping to locate some utterly clueless fuckwits to mock. I am a long way from 'ome and 'ave no idea where to look."
Helpful person: "Sadly, you aren't actually in America, so the number of utterly clueless fuckwits is going to be quite low. What you need to do is visit the on-line Urban Dictionary. The people that run that thing are such brainless shit-cunts that I'd be surprised if they weren't ALL American! Hahahaha!"
Tourist: "Hahahahahaha! They must be real Out Of Touch Cunts, nes pas?"
Helpful person: " Yes! They really are! Utter fucking wankstains, the lot of them! Allegedly!"
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