When you go from bad to worse. When you take a nose dive off a cliff into the abyss of doom.
We're gonna be Out of the butt, and into the fuck. if we don't come up with that 45 dollars!
42👍 17👎
Originating from the Tourettes Guy website. Simply stated as an alternate colloquialism for out of the frying pan and into the fire. By meaning: the process of abandoning a bad situation for a much worse situation.
"We are going to be out of the butt and into the Fuck if we don't come up with that 36 bollars." Tourettes Guy
313👍 61👎
To be screwed; Be in serious shit.
If we don't come up with that 36 dollars, we're going to be out of the butt and into the fuck - Tourette's Guy
76👍 27👎