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Out of the butt and into the fuck

Originating from the Tourettes Guy website. Simply stated as an alternate colloquialism for out of the frying pan and into the fire. By meaning: the process of abandoning a bad situation for a much worse situation.

"We are going to be out of the butt and into the Fuck if we don't come up with that 36 bollars." Tourettes Guy

by akukral August 7, 2006

313👍 61👎

out of the butt and into the fuck

To be screwed; Be in serious shit.

If we don't come up with that 36 dollars, we're going to be out of the butt and into the fuck - Tourette's Guy

by pdaddy8118 February 1, 2007

76👍 27👎

Out of the butt, and into the fuck.

When you go from bad to worse. When you take a nose dive off a cliff into the abyss of doom.

We're gonna be Out of the butt, and into the fuck. if we don't come up with that 45 dollars!

by Danbridge November 22, 2006

42👍 17👎