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Pale Ale

1. Beer with semen in it;

2. A great party gag;

3. Unique source of protein and carbohydrates;

ca. “American Pie” (1999)

“Hey Stifler, how’s the PALE ALE?”

by Shitbreak April 11, 2005

145👍 38👎

Pale Ale

The result of somebody deciding to ejaculate into a cup/glass of beer. Usually happens at parties after quickie sex.

If someone ends up drinking the pale ale, it is utterly hilarious.

Dude, after Samantha blew me, I didn't know what to do so I just came into my beer. Then, Steve ended drinking my pale ale!

by Squillysk8 April 26, 2010

25👍 15👎

India Pale Ale

India Pale Ale is a distinct style of beer and is characterized as a sparkling pale ale with a slightly higher level of alcohol and hops than a typical Pale Ale; the hops lending it a distinct bitterness.

The creation of India Pale Ale during the 18th century was the result of tremendous, efforts by British brewers to overcome a difficult problem: shipping to the British colony of India resulted in the arrival of flat, sour beer. Before refrigeration and pasteurization, the brewer's only weapons against spoilage were alcohol and hops. Alcohol and hops provide an unfriendly environment for microbes, preventing the growth of the bacteria that cause sourness. Therefore, high alcohol content and high hopping rates could protect beer from the souring associated with long storage times.

"Barkeep, I'll take a pint of your best India Pale Ale."

by Mistr_Sir January 19, 2008

168👍 37👎

India pale ale

imagine a good beer. now imagine a field of hops in the beer. bitter and disgusting beer only drank by snobs who think they are better than you.

see beer snob

"ew you drink lager?"

"yeah I like Sam Adams deal with it"

"I'm ginna drink my 7% ABV india pale ale that is brewed in Vermont and boasts an entire Forrest of hops in it"

by drknife March 25, 2013

110👍 74👎

India Pale Ale

A delightful variety of beer, characterized by a distinct hoppiness and generally high alcohol content. The origins of IPA are from back when England had colonized India; the pale ales they were sending to the colonists in India often could not make the long journey and would arrive undrinkable. By adding a large amount of hops and increasing the alcohol content, the beer was able to survive the journey. AND IT'S DELICIOUS...nomnomnom

"Hey, while you're up, wanna grab me a beer?"

"Sure, what kind?"

"India Pale Ale! What are you, stupid?"

by MikeLe! December 1, 2009

53👍 47👎

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

An amazing brew of beer that is made in Chico, California. Is easily one of the best American beers out there because it actually has taste. 5.6% Alcohol content means that you get drunk faster than if you were drinking a Bud light(2.5%), and it has all natural ingredients

Me: Hey what are you guys drinking?
Typical Bro: Coors light man.
Nascar Fan: A Budweiser, the king of beers.
Me: Wow, you two must like men...
Me: Drink Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

by RealMenComeFromEurope April 15, 2006

83👍 16👎

pale Aleing

Drinking beer w/ semin in it

(people having sex)
chick: tell me when
dude: when
(dude cums in beer and couple leaves)
(next couple enters)
dude: Give me a sec babe. (drinks beer)
chick: holy shit you just did some pale aleing!
dude: (throws up)

by pandapiedpiper January 27, 2011