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The hypothesis that the self-organizing universe was created by sentience in contrast to sentience being created by the universe.

The hypothesis that the conscious universe defers to sentience itself in contrast to sentience deferring to the universe.

The subliminal conclusion of panpsychism (universal consciousness).

Panarchy argues that the conscious universe itself worships sentience.

by sandraxine July 18, 2018


Noun. The phrase one chants in IHOP or wafflehouse if one wishes to start a riot

You:I am soo bored in this pancake joint
Friend:try starting a riot

by Panarchist January 11, 2014

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Panarchy or Panarchism is the furthest Left-wing position one can have. The term was coined by a number of Leftists on tiktok who claimed to be opposed to both Communism and Fascism.

Panarchy means "the rulership of all", and is used in opposition to ideologies like Anarcho-Capitalism who claim that Anarcho-Communism isn't real Anarchy because there's still government. Panarchists claim that AnComs are also panarchists as they don't truly call for no rulership, they call for the rulership of everyone through direct democracy and local government.

In short, panarchists are gay.

Commie: how can you be an Anarchist if you wanna have an all-inclusive government and claim to believe in Democracy? Who's gonna do the Democracy without a figurehead?
Fascist: ha! Check mate libtard!
casual Leftist: well I like to use the term panarchist, we believe in local and decentralised government that everyone has influence and say in and provides for everyone. It's panarchy! If you want to think of it that way.
Fascist: oh awesome! it reflect my views too?

by It will never ever matter. February 13, 2023


Civic policy as downstream from water policy.

The idea that water policy IS policy.

Panarchy propounds that water policy is more than indicative; it is upstream of ALL government policy.

by tomorrowtomorrow December 13, 2018


In the midst of a pandemic, a country dissolving into violent chaos.

Destabilized by uncontrolled infection rates, surging unemployment, months of fear and anger, vast numbers took to the streets in incendiary protest against police violence toward blacks and America edged toward panarchy.

by Monkey's Dad June 1, 2020