A sequel to 2013's PAYDAY 2 that will be coming in 2023. All that we know about it is its logo and that Dallas, (presumably) Chains, (presumably) Hoxton, and (presumably) Houston will be returning
Person 1: "Dude, payday 3 was just announced"
Person 2: "That's cool and all, but we don't know that much about, so don't get your hopes up"
Person 1: "It'll be on Unreal engine 4 this time"
Person 2: "OH THANK GOD"
PAYDAY: 3, a term that is commonly used to warn and/or predict the flop and poor quality of a product, usually a piece of media, that is contained within a media franchise/product line. Specifically this is when referring to a possible third installment in the afformentioned media franchise/product line.
Common uses of this term are utilised when fantasizing, theorising, predicting, or just discussing the possibility of a third installment of a videogame franchise, usually large IP's that have laid dormant for extended periods of time.
1. When in relation to a possible third release, usually utilised in a warning tone;
"Bro, i wish they released TITANFALL 3! It's been so long since any content was even leaked!"
"Are you dumb? Respawn Entertainment is just gonna pull a PAYDAY: 3"
2. (Hypothetical scenario) When the term is utilised to predict, it will commonly appear something like this:
"man, did you see what Valve announced? Gabe Newell is gonna release Half-Life 3!"
"they are gonna pull a PAYDAY: 3 i swear to god why do i even try anymore"
Fucking your new girlfriend but only providing half as much of what made her enjoy the previous guy
Payday 3 was so disappointing