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PC Elitist

A term used both to insult and define people who play only PC Games and hate Consoles(such as Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3). The following traits/beliefs are common among PC Elitists:

1. Graphic Superiority of PCs over Consoles
2. Infinite Backwards compatibility
3. Mouse and Keyboard beat out Controllers
4. Believe that all Games are PC games since you can't program on a Console
5. Believe in User Generated content for games
6. Feel that DLC should be Free.
7. Think Xbox Live is filled with racist twelve year olds.
8. Know what Steam is and have never bought a game from Gamestop since.
9. Feel that FPS should never have went to console
10. Hate Consoles

John: Consoles suck.
Bill: No they don't you PC Elitist

John: Did you read the latest issue of PC Gamer?
Bill: No, John. I'm not a PC Elitist like you.

John: I'm a PC Elitist and proud of it.
Bill: Yes and I can name one more thing you are.

by DontEatRawHagis March 23, 2009

579👍 127👎

PC Elitist

A PC Elitist is someone who trashes on people who play video games on console just because they play those games on console. They also will sometimes trash on people who have budget systems and cant afford a top of the line system. They will trash and harass gamers who do not play on pc and who don't spend enough money on a pc . They think that they are better than everyone else because they spent X amount of money on their rig and that they play on the best platform. They needlessly harm innocent gamers who just want to play video games, they are just a terrible part of the pc community that gives it a bad name.
They are not:
-someone who hates/dislikes consoles
-Someone who believes pc is better than a console
-Someone who trashes/debunks a console gamers video about how console is better(when their reasons are wrong ie. consoles outperform pc's)

-a gamer who plays on pc

Console Gamer: Hey do you want to play some Cod on Xbox later?
PC Elitist: You fucking console peasant! You play on your shitty console and don't even deserve to be called a gamer. Stop playing games you fucking peasant
(all the "console peasant" did wrong was play video games on a console)
Console Gamer: Hey PC gamers can i have some help buying a pc? i don't know a lot about them and would like some help.
PC Elitist; No! go back to your shitty console we don't want your kind here you filthy peasant!

by BigDickKlanLeader June 1, 2017

45👍 7👎

PC Elitist

Gamers who's soul purpose is to harass innocent people who disagree with their platform. They see themselves as gods but everyone else sees them as a 400 pound nerd

That PC elitist called me a fag because I am playing Wii.

by SUMFURRYTHING October 11, 2016

49👍 16👎

PC Elitist

Dangerous individuals, they are maniacs and demented. Racist, elitist and insane. A virus like species capable of wide spread destruction and have a knack of causing world wide butthurt.

The PC itself is a religion among these people, a god like deity. The average PC Elitist will fight to the death to protect its mother, it's creator, it's god. The PC.

They are everywhere, watching your every movement, more dangerous than the delusional Wiitards, starting a war agaisnt the PC Elitist is ILL ADVISED. There have been many cases where the console class citizens have sold their PC's out of pure butthurt.

No-one knows where they came from but there are millions of them and they are spreading. They have the attributes of a virus and continue to spread, even to this very day. Some say they existed way before the dawn of man. Who knows? Maybe your a PC Elitist?

PC Elitist 1: All hail the mighty PC, grant us access into to a new world of paradise!

PC Elitist 2: Our mother PC will protect us from the lower class gaming citizens, the consoles!

Ps3 user: PC sucks, so does the Xbox and Wii, the cell will rage a holy war agaisnt your foul people!

Xbox user: Cell sucks, pc suck, Wii blows and Xbox has Halo! All hail Halo!

Elitist 1 and 2: Purge them! Wipe them from the face of the planet! Remove their foul stench from this universe! Destroy them!

by Club Blue January 3, 2011

271👍 117👎

PC Elitist

The most dangerous kind of fanatical gamers. The PC Elitist values their PC more than anything. Be aware when entering PC Elitist territory. It's dangerous, really dangerous. One sort of word supporting consoles, handhelds, or the damn Stadia can lead you to be beheaded.

Originally devoted followers of the Macintosh, the 1st sort of the PC Elitist appeared in 1997. Carmageddon, Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn/Red Alert & Need for Speed 2 became the staples of the 1st Gen PC Elitist. But the PC Elitist would soon turn into cancer by 2017, with them evolving to the 3rd Gen of the PC Elitist. If you thought the Xbot would make sure no one would hurt Microsoft Gaming Studios' reputation, the PC Elitist is like the Scrin & Tiberium. As of 2027 (the beginning of the 10th Gen), They now live in their own territory, away from the console peasants.
This will help you to ID a PC Elitist: Is obese, claims to have a PC with RTX ON yet plays on a 2001 Laptop with Vista on it. Mumbles stuff about "redemption on the console peasants" when in reality they ARE the peasants, going around disturbing global peace. The PC Elitist's diet consists of cold takeout Burger King, 1-day old pizza & mountain dew on a bottle with ice.
The biggest threat to the Consoleverse is next to the SegaZombie. The PC Elitist...

PC Elitist 1: All Hail the almighty P.C, our unstoppable god!
PC Elitist 2: As you well know, console peasants, the P.C will obliterate your foul stench!
PlayStation Gamer: We, the PlayStations, are the almighty, and YOU are a misunderstanding. You are nothing but a complication!
XBOX Gamer: The PlayStation sucks! We have been chosen for the destiny to win the 3rd Console War! God Save the XBOX!
PC Elitist 1: You foul people... You, Must, Be, Purged!!!
PC Elitist 2: LET THE CPU BURN THEM!!!!!

by xxxx_MARTINVIDEO2009_xxxx September 6, 2022

PC elitist

Every console has their fanboys. But none of them are nearly as annoying as PC fanboys, otherwise known as PC elitists.

Pc elitists...:

...are the biggest graphics whores. Their main argument for the superiority of the PC is that it has the best graphix ev4r! But that's only if you're willing to pay for the top of the line, latest and greatest GPU that can cost hundreds of dollars.

...think PC has the only worthwhile games, which 95% of them are FPSes, RTSes, and MMORPGs.

...believe all console games are designed for children. You know the "I only play M rated games because i'm so hardcore" stereotype? Yep, those are PC elitists.

...think controllers/gamepads are worthless and that you might as well be trying to control the game with your mind. KEYBOARD AND MOUSE 4EVUR!!1

...think games such as Super Mario Bros., Castlevania, Final Fantasy, Mega Man, Zelda, Donkey Kong Country, Sonic, Metroid, Resident Evil, Tekken, Gears of War, Parasite Eve, Metal Gear Solid and Grand Theft Auto are hopelessly primitive and outdated, don't have good graphics, and are for little kids.

Guy: What's your favorite NES game?
PC Elitist: LOL what is this? The Commodore 64 age? I only play PC games because i'm so grown up. Console games are for little kids who can't handle the 1337 PC.
Guy: What a faggot

by 5feet10witha10footdick November 7, 2012

362👍 134👎