Source Code

playing mario

To be under the influence of psychadelic mushrooms

Yeah, we'll be playing mario this weekend

by Joe August 29, 2004

13👍 2👎

playing Mario Kart

code word for making out when you don't want all persons listening to know.

Bob: Where did Sally and Luke go?
Jane: Oh, they're just downstairs playing Mario Kart.

by ima4nspy August 5, 2006

20👍 7👎

Playing Mario Brothers

Slang for Masturbating.

Last night I was playing mario brothers.

by Anonymous123469 June 25, 2006

21👍 13👎

Mini Ladd playing Mario Kart

Describes how you feel. When you almost won or got what you wanted but it got taken away from you. Commonly used as dissapointment

Man, I almost got the high score. Damnit, now I feel like Mini Ladd playing Mario Kart.

I was supposed to be the Worker of the Month! Now I'm like Mini Ladd playing Mario Kart...

by Not a Fan, I'm a Human! October 23, 2018