pri·va·tize prahy-vuh-tahyz Show IPA
verb (used with object), pri·va·tized, pri·va·tiz·ing.
1. Formal Definition:
to transfer from public or government control or ownership to private enterprise: a campaign promise to privatize some of the public lands.
2. To make exclusive or make your own; to delimit or appropriate: That guy just privatized that toilet paper.
3. Can also be used with sexual connotation (use at your discretion)
To take and make your own.
"Hey Buddy, let's take that beer and privatize that shit." "Privatize that shit"
"I just privatized that iPad brah"
To be used with discretion: "Privatize that Ho"
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The word my 2 year old uses when referring to his penis.
2 year old in tub: "Mommy, my private can float on the water!"
Me: "That's great sweetie, now stop touching it ok?"
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A respectful term for testicles or female organs.
Some parents tell their children to wash their privates in the bath.
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The penis or vagina of a person's body
Chad : Wow don't you just love It when Kiersten wears Shorts to work!
Craig : Oh you can kinda see her Privates when she bends over!
Chad : And don't you just love it when Jim wears Shorts to work too!
Craig : Fuck dude I was thinking about pussy and you had to say that!
Chad : It kinda gives you an idea of what his Privates look like when he bends over!
Craig : Just shut the fuck up!
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When you have/do something which you don't want anyone to know
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When you don't know that the word privacy exists, so you just go with what sounds semi-correct.
Make a deep copy to ensure privateness??
The name you call a coworker in reciprocation of when that coworker consistently refers to you as Chief, Boss, Captain, or Hoss.
How's it going boss?
Leave me alone private.
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