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Paddy McCabe

Paddy McCabe is a local celebrity in the Irish town\city of Drogheda. He is often spotted on the street and is known for his love of beer and singing and dancing. He is known as Droghedas Elvis.

Friend: who's that over there singing on West Street?
Me: that's Paddy McCabe

by 2167 July 9, 2020

Paddy McCabe

The greatest singer to ever grace the earth, could knock Bradley out after a pint of stella and a round of karaoke. Better known by the fortnite box pvp community as his songs are often blasted through microphones alongside a Japanese man screaming, a foghorn and the music from The Chase.

*foghorn sound plays intensely*

friend 1: blud is NOT Paddy McCabe.

friend 2: who is he then, Bradley?

by HolySchmidt April 18, 2023