Grab your palpack bag, with a dog ball, a bottle of water, some snacks and dogs treats (make sure you know the difference, unless you like to share or like to eat dog treats). Maybe even through on a shirt and be Matchy matchy, and hit the path leash in hand. I started my own company, Visit MyPalpacks
Hey, don't forget your PalPack!
Thanks mom! You always know best.
Now that's love
Hey Fiddo, lets go for a walk...oh, let's grab our PalPack. (Palpacks sit by the door, or in the closet, ready to go)
Anita: So what ya got in that PalPack?
Pongo wags tail
Roger: Oh, uh, haha, some dog treats, and um, some water. We have plenty, would you like some?
We even have a blue and a pink ball in case and Perdita would like to play?
Anita: Oh Roger, you really are the best. You know everything. That's perfect. We would love to play.
and then we could get palpacks for all of the puppies!
Roger: Anita, sweetheart, that is a wonderful idea.
(Falls deeper in love)