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Panama City Beach

One of the cheapest ways to leave your hometown to get laid and party. Many Georgians, especially from suburban areas, go there for Spring Break. A whole week there.. they party, get laid, and hit up local night clubs. Once back in lame ass GA, they tell all their friends the raunchy sex scandal they had monday night.

This spring break i'm hittin up Panama City Beach. Basically just to get away. Oh, and drunk and get laid err' day. Amen.

by JBAWLS May 29, 2008

101👍 36👎

Panama City Beach

Orvas the locals call it PAY county ,
Bay county Florida.
Home of Mtv springbreaks fir years.
Worlds whitest sand beaches.
Where you ....come here on vacation,
Leave on probation,

Come back on violation,

Stay for your duration.

"Hey man you going to Panama City Beach this spring break?"
"Isn't that where you go on vacation leave on probation come back on violation and stay for your whole duration?”

by TheAnonymousArtist April 28, 2024