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Pants below the waist

A popular fashion statement in thugs, skater punks and ,in general, people who can not afford belts.

What most of these stylisticly challanged people do not know is that pants below the waist means something entirly different in prison.
If you wear pants below the waist in state pen, its an invatation.

pants below the waist

Still not getting my meaning?
try pulling your pants down, bending over and running through a corn field....backwards.

by ticktickconboom April 9, 2009

49👍 15👎

Pants below the waist

A way of wearing pants/shorts/trousers. May be done for a number of reasons:

1. The person's pants are too short (Old Man Look) and need to be a little baggier.

2. The person wants to show off their underwear.

3. The person is wearing pants that are too loose around the waist and isn't wearing a belt.

Examples just make definitions look gay. Pants below the waist. There.

by whocareswhoiamchrist January 15, 2010

17👍 14👎

pants below waist

the art of being hood

i wear my pants below waist and i never dance up in this place cuz you and your man are planning to hate

by im so hood February 15, 2008

4👍 9👎