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A highly elite, highly selective special operations unit within the United States Air Force. Originally developed to retrieve downed pilots in denied and hostile territory, the job has expanded to the premiere Combat Search and Rescue unit in the entire Dept. of Defense.

Wannabe pararescuemen or PJ's for short, endure 2 years of some of the toughest military training the world has to offer, not uncommonly exceeding a 90% dropout rate.

Soldier 1: Crap, our helicopter just crashed in complete enemy territory.

Soldier 2: It's ok, they're sending pararescue.

by Mike X. April 12, 2007

174👍 22👎


The US Air Force's go anywhere, rescue anyone unit. Consider them EMTs with heavy weaponry.

Motto: These things we do that others may live

by CaptainMarvel February 28, 2004

109👍 31👎