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Parasitic Tenhead Vampire

A Parasitic Tenhead Vampire is self explanatory. But it is a Parasite which has a huge head is classified as a Vampire in the sense they suck you dry for everything you have to offer. In Samoa we call this a Dawn. This name was given since the suspicious parasite would likely appear after Dawn.

Did you see that? No what is it, that family had a Dawn! Oh no, I hope they get help! Yeah that Parasitic Tenhead Vampire needs to burn!

by iessuchiha and likes anime August 2, 2022

Parasitic Tenhead Vampire

A Parasitic Tenhead Vampire is known in the villages of Samoa as a Dawn. Dawn usually likes to instigate drama and will stop at nothing to make your life a living hell. Avoid the Parasitic Tenhead Vampire at any and all cost or you may lose your life or worse yet live with Dawn.

Omg did you hear what happened with the Heka's?

No what happened!?
They were attacked by a Dawn!!
You mean a Parasitic Tenhead Vampire!?
Yeah, I hope they survive and I hope that Parasite goes away!

by iessuchiha and likes anime August 2, 2022