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Partisan-line liberalism

The same 5 leftist suppositions regurgitated repeatedly by people who literally think they are more intelligent than anyone who disagrees with them. Because if they were smart they would think what I think! Right? For example: The conflation of abortion and healthcare. The idea ender is a social construct (Which it's not but you're willing to collectively pretend that it is for the sake of making people feel the way you want them to feel and that's all that matters boy-oh-boy are you suuuper willing to collectively PRETEND things reach a desired outcome. It's almost like... You don't actually care). If there are disparate outcomes between people it can be attributed to UNFAIR DISCRIMINATION (which we care so much about) and nothing else. Like, if all the retards with fat cocks were getting all of the women. It would clearly be because of societal or systematic discrimination and demonization of not retarded, not fat cocks. Otherwise the outcomes would be the same... Right? Or is there NOT discrimination against those things? Nevermind. It seems like a lot of atheists are using this dogma to supplant the religion they abandoned. You're required accept all of the suppositions based on an appeal to an authority... That is superordinate to all other authorities (even if there are other authorities who contradict them)... Who wrote a book... Why does this sound familiar?

Partisan-line liberal "Trans women are real women!"

Hym "You know... There is a real difference between a trans woman and a not trans woman... Right?"

Partisan-line liberal "No. Trans people exist."

Hym "I don't doubt their existence but there IS a difference. They are not the same."

Partisan-line liberal "But intersex people..."

Hym "Are not the same as trans people. There are differences between things."

Partisan-line liberal "The brain scans.... The history..."

Hym " 'More like' is not the same as 'is the same as' and the history relates to their existence and not to whether or not they are different the non-trans women."

Partisan-line liberal "Insert slogan here!"

Hym "I think Partisan-line liberalism is the result of you agreeing to collectively PRETEND to trick 'stupid people' into not violencing trans people. I think that you think that if you just don't acknowledge the difference and prevent people from pointing out the difference between the the two things you will trick people into not hurting them. WHAT'S REALLY HAPPENING, on the other hand, is you're tricking the trans people into thinking that there is not difference... and then the trans people are tricking men into sleeping with them... and then they're getting beaten to death... You're doing that."

by Hym Iam June 15, 2023