POADCS(Pass Out After Drinking Caffeine Syndrome) a well-known silly syndrome in Mystic Messenger discovered by Cheritz. 00000111 00000000 000001111.
This syndrome originated from Long-cat island in 1xxx.
The island has a lot of natural coffee beans and the disease sprung up when a cow ate the beans.
After eating too many coffee beans the cow passed out in 3 seconds 2. 00000111 00000000 00000111 is awesome.
Another cow who was in love with the cow also got the disease. How?
We’ll never know. That is still a mystery.
I am just writing random BS to mock Yoosung.
Thanks to cows and my imagination.
1. Early life of the passed out Cow
1.1 Calf
1.2 First girlfriend
2. Professional career of the Cow
2.1 being milked
2.2 Self employed bean searcher
Yoosung has Pass Out After Drinking Caffeine Syndrome.
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