A Peach Taco occurs when one sexual partner ends up sticking the face into the rectal area and butterfly kissing (to brush with eye lashes) their bum fluff or peach fuzz thus making a peach taco.
( shove yo face in sum bitch's ass and start blinkin')
-The chili peach taco ( putting hot sauce onto the eyelashes and then caressing the anus, causing a unique burning sensation.
for colder climates or where hot sauce is less accessible, try...
- The igloo, rubbing snow into ass-hole with eyelashes.
-The Screaming Welshman-involves goat.
Warnings: Peach Tacoing may result in: Multiple Climax's, a burning rectal sensation , regrets , crying and for some unexplained reason, the urge to buy a goat.
Please, for legal reasons, do not attempt a screaming Welshman unless you are professionals or under professional supervision.
" Oh *insert random friend* fuck yes! Peach Taco me! Harder! Harder! ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa YES!"
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