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peddle to the meddle [peddle to the metal]

It's a car metaphor. You've got your foot pressed on the accelerator right down to the metal floor board. It's a symbolic way of saying, you're going as hard and as fast as you can.

1. Porsche and Ferrari owners will put their peddle to the meddle peddle to the metal if no firm speed control measures are built-in

2. I'm into music that make me want to put the peddle to the meddle peddle to the metal on the highway.

3. Crack the steel, peddle to the meddle peddle to the metal, mash the gas and mash the wheel

by Paoloit January 15, 2009

9👍 15👎

peddle to the meddle

When BLACKPINK decides Lisa is good at rapping so they give her a hella weird line that rhymes and YG is like screw it Lisa will make it sound nice

Peddle to the meddle like see you later boy see you later. see you later boy see you later later, see you later boy would've should've could've .. didn't.

by FUPAYME2000sBABYIPUMPUPTHEJAM December 13, 2018