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pellet gun

A rifle or pistol that shoot pellets, lead or alloy, at high velocities using compressed air. There are multiple types of pellet rifles such as break-barrel, which uses a spring, PCP, which uses compressed air, and CO2, which uses a compressed CO2 cartridge. Pellet guns, or pellet rifles, are used mainly for plinking or small game hunting, and the two main calibers are .177 and .22. In some states, pellet rifles are not allowed.

I bought a pellet gun at the Sporting Goods store today.

by Pseudo-rabbit March 10, 2014

22👍 2👎

the pellet gun

The act of putting a plastic BB in your dick tip and masterbating until you ejaculate then BB shoots straight out

JOE : Dan what did you do last night

Dan : I did the pellet gun

by Christian2833 November 3, 2017

Pellet Gun Watch

Whilst your homeboy is rolling a J, You must keep pellet gun watch to keep the pigs (and green fiends) at bay

"Yo Ted you're on pellet gun watch ey"
"You roll, I'm on pellet gun watch"

by OiiiiNaaa January 19, 2008

48👍 15👎

Pellet gun

Magazine fed knife for millenials

I threw my pellet gun in my bag and took it for a walk

by Cody5050 November 13, 2020