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Pembroke Pines

Pembrokes Pines is an unheard of city in South Florida. Basically its like a suburb of Ft. Lauderdale or Hollywood but not Miami because Miami is in Dade County and Pembroke Pines is in Broward. Pines runs from like up near University to basically the edge of the everglades. So basically theres a really crappy part of Pembroke Pines and a really nice part. The crappy part is kinda ghetto. They have south campus of Broward College down there and it's like the most ghetto campus of all of them. The nice part is like where all the doctors and lawyers and people who have a job live. That's basically it. It's a nice place but don't come live here because houses are freakishly expensive.

John: Hey lets go live in Pembroke Pines!

Jen: We can visit the nice part but not the ghetto part because we might get mugged!

*after visit*

John: Lets move to Pembroke Pines!

Jen: No way! The houses are freaking expensive!

by littlemissitalian January 23, 2011

82πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Pembroke pines

The place of low key shone, potheads & pembroke natives who like to fight. a secret hatred between hispanic and black. sessions held in the landings, the woods, pretty much any where from muvico to cut N corners, sneakerheads, everything is a walk but it dont really matter cause there are gils anywhere you go in pembroke. you can always find a pembroke native by taco bell asking for a water cup or in wendy's by publix, you got pembroke natives that rap you got pembroke natives that trap.

john: lets go to Pembroke pines i heard they having a sesh

craig :oh yeah they burning in pines

by SRSB October 11, 2012

55πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Pembroke Pines roblox

the most hood game second to Greenville WI Roblox. there's a freeway and everything. anyways don't work at Starbucks in the game they will work your ass off

lets play Pembroke Pines Roblox

by anomy's April 15, 2023

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

somerset academy pembroke pines

A school in Pembroke Pines near Everglades, characterized by children who use terms such as snapped, love that and tea sis. Let’s not forget that everyone there is basically a reincarnation of James Charles, even the guys. To be honest, pretty good looking people go here, including all the athletic guys. Other than that, it’s not a bad school and doesn’t have too much drama, except for literally one girl in the entire school. Everyone at this school is also from a semi-wealthy family, and gives off really white vibes, except not everyone is white in pigment.

Person #1: β€œYo dawg, this is so sick. You snapped on that Instagram post!”
Person #2: β€œExcuse me? Oh, you must be from Somerset Academy. I’m shook sis.”
Somerset Academy Pembroke Pines: A school where everyone acts gay, and everyone is also very attractive.

by Hahathatsnappedddd April 16, 2019

28πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Pembroke Pines females

They are the trashiest, stupidest, and dick riding type of girl there is. They will believe anything the see or hear on social media. All they talk about is booty rubs and cosquillas. They love the beach but can only go when they get a ride from a guy. Because they are not independent at all, they depend on guys for dick, rides, and food. Pembroke pine females love twitter because that's where they spend all there time acting like stupid ass hoes. They all act the same and have the same mentality. They think they are all princesses but they are trashy girls. They complain that they are loyal and that they get mistreated by guys. But in reality, guys know that they ain't shit so they play them. Overall these pine females are nothing. They are just good for pussy and a good time at a party. Pines females love to smoke weed and eat trashy food. They play the lay game. Sleep, eat, fuck, and repeat everyday. Pines females think more of themselves than they actually are. Some of them are sexy. But all of them are trashy bitches that all have the same mindset. Pines females are the worst. Want a good girl? Get a JAP.

I need a good girl, these Pembroke Pines females are getting too trashy, they all act the same.

by Every guy in Pembroke Pines March 14, 2017

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Pembroke Pines Charter High School

Black people, and boobie porn stars like Bella Thorne who is a wigger with a N, go here to poop on my ass and cum, daddy among us.

Pembroke Pines Charter High School is ghetto ass nigga

by MYBUTT! January 17, 2022

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Pembroke Pines Charter High School

Pembroke Pines Charter High School also named ppchs is the most underrated schools in the nation. Ppchs is filled wannabe gangsters and white people trying to act black to fit in. Got drugs? Just tell a girl to suck your dick for those drugs you have and then brag to everyone about how saucy you are with the hoes. Lol and good luck if you’re white becuse you’ll get shit on by the wannabe gangster. Ahem Dylan byam

Guy: Pembroke Pines Charter High School sucks

Wannabe gangster: I’ll fuck you up

Also wannabe gangster: I hattteee this school waaaaa I want to go to Everglades is so much cooler waaaaaaaa

by Charterfuckboysareannoying October 9, 2019

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