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Penis Diarrhea

Penis Diarrhea is a usually misunderstood and confused with other similar conditions. This terrible disease, Penis Diarrhea, is a disease that is irreversible. And is lethal if not managed properly.

Symptoms include runny nose, headaches, nausea, memory loss, vision impairment, decrease in general senses, vomiting, diarrhea, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, overly long urination, and, worst of all, micropenis.

If you have had more than one of these symptoms in the past two weeks, see a doctor.

Person One: "I feel nauseous, my head hurts, and I can't stop my nose from running."

Person Two: "I think you might have Penis Diarrhea, have you been to the doctor yet?"

by Sour MilkyNuts October 6, 2022