The phrase others may possibly hear when you say “he in his feelings” fast and/or with slurred speech. In that awkward moment, those who are present may turn to each other and question one or more of the following:
1. “What are Penis Feelings”?
2. “Did he/she just say Penis Feelings?”
3. “Is it possible that we were on the topic of penis and I just missed the conversation switch entirely?”
1. Salina: “Hey, google! Play Penis Feelings by Ruby Rose.”
Google Home: “Playing He in His Feelings by Ruby Rose.”
2. Friend 1: “Did she just say Penis Feelings?”
Friend 2: “Huh?! No! Hahaha! That’s so random! How did you even hear that?”
Friend 1: “I dunno. That’s what it sounded like”.
Friend 2: “Get your hearing checked. No one said anything about penis. Hahaha!”