A grime filled series of caves home to a collection of six toed mutant beings, known as mackems. The inhabitants are simple beings, their diets consisting of hula hoops and farmfoods produce from the bins out the back, and are known for their drug abuse and having tons of kids
Chernobyl resident: could be worse, could be in pennywell
A suburb of the 'city' of sunderland. The government from the hick town have recently decided that a large section of pennywell is to be knocked down as it is infested with scruffy vermin. (and I haven't even started with the animals!)
think of hell
now think worse than hell
keep thinking
you got it?
thats pennywell
7👍 4👎
A rough council estate in Sunderland where the residents are all off their face on glue.
They set about themselves behaving like funny nunnys
Oi mate, coming to pennywell. Nah man its up to its eyes with funny nunnys the day.