The most despicable fucking fictional country to have ever existed
It has been classified as "the globe's rectum buttfucker"
Bitchass nation run by bitchboy senators who have been bought by mega corporations.
Terrorist safe haven.
Where the dumbest people do the most random shit imaginable, and it's somehow considered the savior of the planet.
Perijstocia indoctrinates the masses to accept conflicting bullshit for their own ideological agenda.
Average salary is 171$/yr in addition to their >1,000,000,000% inflation. Government workers get up to >10,000,000$/yr for torturing and spying on people abroad.
A surveillance state that kills anyone deemed a dissident and/or against the regime.
Calls Azortozha the spawn of hell whilst waging war against all its neighbors.
Blames Azortozha for all of Perijstocia's problems.
Plagued by a 210-year-long deficit and economic depression.
People shit in front of children.
The oligarchy holds more political leverage than actual politicians.
Would attempt to do anything to gain the slightest advantage in maintaining the status quo, narrative and rhetoric.
Foreign countries buy into the bullshit of Perijstocia, especially "Ulum" which is considered to be the country of knowledge, whilst the only thing "knowledgeable" is reverberating the narrative and propaganda of Perijstocia in their own country and national "library". Ulum has "the best university" but behind its façade the government is a puppet regime to Perijstocia.
bitch: "have you heard of perijstocia?"
fucker: "yeah, i hear it's great.."
bitch: "dumbass perijstocians are so fucking dumb they play with live wire, play russian roulette in basements, commit terrorism, commit ethnic cleansing and throw shit at people in festivals"
fucker: "oh"
bitch: "even George Orwell would call this shit even worse than 1984"
bitch: "the country is filled with arsonists"
the most despicable fucking fictional country to have ever existed
they support international terrorism across the globe and rapes the shit out of other foreign countries
it has been classified as "the world's globe rectum buttfucker"
bitchass nation run by the bitchboy senators who have been bought my mega corporations.
terrorists find it as its safe haven.
where the dumbest people do the most random shit imaginable, and it's somehow considered the savior of the planet
the place where people shit in front of children
bitch: "have you heard of perijstocia?"
fucker: "yeah, i hear it's great.."
bitch: "dumbass perijstocians are so fucking dumb they play with live wire, play russian roulette in basements, commit terrorism, commit ethnic cleansing and throw shit at people in festivals"
fucker: "oh"
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