pur'-el (n) 1. Computer programming language used mostly by male virgins, between the ages of 17 and 35, who are also well versed in the Lord Of The Rings stories.
Whew, that perl coding guy is due for his monthly shower today!
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The most beautiful, pretty, sexy and intelligent girl in the world. She is always friend with someone who name's Anna.
Perle, the perfect girl.
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Pratical Extraction and Reporting Language.
Perl is a script programming language that is similar in syntax to the C language and that includes a number of popular Unix facilities such as SED, awk, and tr. Perl is an interpreted language that can optionally be compiled just before execution into either C code or cross-platform bytecode. When compiled, a Perl program is almost (but not quite) as fast as a fully precompiled C language program. Perl is regarded as a good choice for developing common gateway interface (CGI) programs because it has good text manipulation facilities (although it also handles binary files). It was invented by Larry Wall.
When I used to code in C I used to get headaches. Now I use perl and my headaches are gone.
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random line noise that does something useful most of the time
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A programming language popular on *nix systems.
For some reason, Perl programmers find the need to write programs as small as possible. Many have attributed this to a similar phenonenom for unintelligent men to compensate for the size of their manhood by purchasing large, powerful cars. Instead of compensating by showing how immense their purchasing power (and in many cases, debt) is, Perl programmers compensate by showing how large their brains are.
Unfortunatley, this results in much Perl code to be somewhat difficult to understand by just looking at.
Somebody with way too much time on his hands wrote MoleSter, a functional P2P app in just 6 lines of perl.
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perl is a language you will either love or hate. If you hate it, you're probably just confused because nobody told you about perldoc yet.
copy and paste this into a shell:
perl -e "print unless s aa\n&E vtuEAopuifs&PfsmEHbdlfs\n\na&&y i&b-z&i&a-y&i&&y eE &e J ed&&0"
88๐ 58๐
The only programming language that actually has contests held to see who can make the most unreadable code.
my @srcFiles=grep{!/\.bak$/i && !m{(^|/)CVS(/|$)} && -f $_} DfcD::GlobR("Src/*");
{ $0=~/(.*\\)?(.*)\./; print STDERR "$2 version 0.0.2\n\n"; }
for (@ARGV) { m!^(-/\?|-H|--help)$!i && &help() }
0==@ARGV and &help();
DfcXxx::Sort keys %hDirs,
sort{lc $a->name cmp lc $b->name or $a->name cmp $b->name} values %hNonDirs,
# undef,
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