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Pimp Master

1. Master of pimps.

2. To pimp in such a way that a multitude of whores may be collected.

Tim: "Tim is da Pimp Master! Yeah!"
Robert: ".. You can just kiss the fattest part of my ass."

by 1337Ninj4 July 15, 2005

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Pimp master swag

The master pimp, the master of all pimps. He's does everything for everyone he's has more swag than anyone else. Their is only one pimp master swag. And he is awesome.

Guy 1:You see the pimp master swag over there.

Guy 2: Ya, he is the most swaggy person ever he is the only master pimp.

by TheRealPimpMasterSwag October 16, 2014

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Pimp Master General

Term used by Scumbag Corps as a nickname of a individual named Yoh. He can convince any girl to do anything from him anytime anywhere.

Did Pimp Master General steal my girl by just saying "Uh yeah I eat atleast 2 Big Macs a day".

by Pride Valentine September 6, 2014

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pimp master flex

one cool dude

that guy is pimp master flex

by andrew June 8, 2003

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captain pimp master

only one of these in the world. coolest person ever.
loved by all.

i am the captain pimp master

by Captain Pimp Master January 23, 2004

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Pimp Master Flex

when a guy is going down on a girl and she jerks her leg out and knocks him in the face causeing his nose to bleed. She then lies back and lets him contine to worship her after he is cleaned up

Tom: "yo, i noticed you were with that hot chick last night, did you fool around?"
Infuago : "yeeah she gave me a pimp master flex and my nose is killing, but damn is that some good pussy"

by loveshack99 February 22, 2007

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Pimp master connor

An irresistible 18 year old guy who gets pussy all the time non stop and probably for the rest of his life no matter how he treats his women.

Dude 1: Man i just saw Pimp master connor slap a ho in the face then pistol whip her and then cuss her out."

Dude 2: Yea but he'll be fuckin her later for sho.

by CONNOR GIFFORD February 28, 2008

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