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pink day

If you are a princess and you don’t feel like responding to a question that requires you give a time/date… you say Pink Day.

Dad: “When did you pay your credit card bill?”
You: “Pink Day

by carly and kara rule February 24, 2009

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pink day

1) the name of a punk rock band
2) a day spent doing...

what qualifies as pink, do you think? This could have quite a few definitions...

1) I saw pink day live today. They sucked, but the tickets were free, so...
2) Today was a definate pink day, bro.

by le freakeh chinese girl December 20, 2005

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National Pink Day

a day in which you are so happy and preppy that you decide that today or any other day will be national pink day in which you will be happy and merry and most importantly, wear pink!

People tommorow we're having National Pink Day because Lindsey is moving back so Michelle and Rebekah could be happy!

by PinkChic January 6, 2007

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National Pink Day

June 23th, a very pink day.. If your fav color is pink wear it... If you are a survivor of cancer wear link because JUNE 23TH is all about that! National Pink Day! -2019-2020

National Pink day is a day wear,
Pun intented, you dress up in any pink costume or and pink.

by IrafasW December 22, 2019

Pink Cloud Day

A pink cloud day is a day free of worry and problems, where you can enjoy life and open your eyes to all of the beautiful things it has to offer.

Coined by the band Movements in their song Daylily, vocalist Patrick Miranda explained in an interview that the song Daylily was written for his Ex Girlfriend who suffers from mental complications, and whenever she had a good day they would refer to it as a "Pink Cloud Day". The song Daylily features the lyric "I think it's time you had a pink cloud summer" in which Patrick wishes her a summer full of smiles and good days to come.

Person 1 : wow, today was really something magical wasn't it

Person 2 : for certain a Pink Cloud Day

(When using the term "Pink Cloud Summer)

Person 1 : I wish i could just relax sometimes you know, let it all sink away and just be happy for once

Person 2 : I think it's time you had a Pink Cloud Summer

by Lifes;Beautiful September 10, 2019

National pink cup day

November 7th is the national pink cup day where u celebrate by drinking out of a pink cup. Also on this day you can skip school but you have to do the pink cup ritual where you sing ‘oH mY pInK cUp! PrAiSe ThY pInK cUp!’

Me: today is national pink cup day

J: really

Me: Yh

J: wait let me grab my pink cup

by Pink cup 10908 November 5, 2019

National pink cup day

On November 7 we celebrate pink cup day where we buy pink cups from Walmart and dance around them because why not. Also the dance is a competition and whoever wins gets the cup cup trophy

George:today is national pink cup day
Matty: yesss I’ve been practicing my dancing skills so I’m totally gunna beat you

by Pink cup 10908 November 5, 2019