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Plainview, MN

A shitty place in Southeastern Minnesota where if your not a hick or a drug dealing alcoholic. Your not a resident. The school is so god damn awful. Besides the fact that they're just as poor as an Ethiopian lemonade stand (don't get me started on the embezzlement problem). The best thing there is walking down the street and finding semen filled condoms and used heroin needles. There is some decent things though, Most people are down to have a good time. The ones that don't are either white Virgins that play gay magic card games and listen to Mo Bamba and my Fucking little pony or Obama loving Libtards that praise equal rights, world peace and Rosa Parks and shit. that ain't happening here. We might have STDs just crawling on every park bench here but we can be some of the most badass sons of bitches on the planet if you give us booz and a free pass to say the N-word so if you would like to visit. Bring beer and call the Principle of the school a pussy Snowflake and welcome to the shit show that is Plainview also. Don't drink the water. Its full of chlorine and period blood. #GodBlessAmerica #fuckinragheads #3millionindebt #getoffmydickbitch #becauseisaidso #LiveFastAndEatAss #fuckwithmeandIchopyoudickoffpussy

"Bro we going to that party in Plainview, MN tomorrow night." "Nah, I'm not a big fan of Chlamydia and unwanted buttsex, but thanks for asking."

by Mike Honcho (aka Daddy) 💦 December 26, 2018

26👍 3👎