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plaster face

The face you put on when shaking your bosses hand or meeting you parents old friends. Its a smile and nod, but you have no idea why you smiling. also used when someones telling a very bad joke, but you want to make them feel better.

-"oh look at Matt shaking Mr.Hayes hand, he has a total plaster face on"
-"ha and now hes laughing at mr.Hayes terrible jokes, but its a total plaster face"

by HH8 November 24, 2010

Plaster face

Plaster face is a female who has too much foundation makeup on her face you can't recognize the person. or A girl who hides her ugliness with foundation makeup.

"Look at this plaster face chick, she looks like she got a mask on!" " This girl is wearing too much makeup, she looks like a plaster face." "You know ugly girls put on the plaster face!"

by Willie T.664 January 20, 2023