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Plastic Lasers

Verbal and emotional actions when being gaslighted by someone. Overly dramatic crying,

yelling, or accusatory speech that follows in a gaslighter's dialog to redirect blame. So much so that you question your sanity, your judgments, and your morals beyond belief.

My ex would hit me with the PLASTIC LASERS. She'd go days without calling or texting me and when I'd ask her where she's been, she'd start crying saying 'you're so clingy NOW, but where are you when I need you.' Called me selfish and narcissistic. Never answered MY questions tho. Complete one-eighty on me. ."

by TheDigitalRealist August 28, 2021

Plastic Lasers

Someone gaslights you into oblivion with false feelings and false transgressions; so much so that it makes you question your sanity.

My ex hit me with the plastic lasers. She wouldnt answer her phone for days and when I hit her up like "where've you been?!" She'd cry her eyes out saying she goes out because I don't want to spend time with her; that I'm 'selfish and 'superficial' but she knows I have football practice and I'm super focused on my scholarship. I told her that I had priorities but she was like "that never happened." and that I'm " ignoring her needs." Complete one-eighty the conversation .

by TheDigitalRealist August 28, 2021