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Pleasant Fiction

One who strive's their whole lives to become something that they are not; Preacher, Bishop, Cop, the asshole that's going to submit this or not....With the exception of a jiggaboo

For world to say "Urban Dictionary" emplyee's are the most kind and nonjudgemental people, would be a pleasant fiction for those fuck's.

by imabus February 25, 2010

6👍 9👎

Pleasant Fiction

One who strive's their whole lives to become something that they are not; Preacher, Bishop, Cop, the asshole that's going to submit this or not....With the exception of a jiggaboo

For world to say "Urban Dictionary" emplyee's are the most kind and nonjudgemental people, would be a pleasant fiction for those fuck's.

by justsexnonames February 25, 2010

4👍 6👎