A free online dating agency which should be avoided at all costs. Full of dirty old men and no-hoper teenagers with filthy underpants desperately seeking attractive young women. And as for the photographs - when the hell did you last see a woman who looked like that and needed to use a free dating agency? Someone I know of examined a photo closely and was sure he could see the staple puncture holes where it had been cut out of a glossy magazine.
More like Plenty of Fishy Fannies.
Beware. The gorgeous blonde on Plenty Of Fish you're exchanging suggestive e-mails with is probably really a morbidly obese middle-aged man who likes nice young boys.
142👍 51👎
Translated into English, this means Plenty of Filth.
What I thought would be plenty of fish in the sea turned into plenty of filth in the sea.
30👍 9👎
Also known by the acronym POF, Plenty of Fish is a online dating service that is free of charge and should also be avoided like the plague. To those poor single people who end up creating such said online profile by the peer pressures of living in a couple's society , they may start to think there really is an entire sea on their lap to explore, with bountiful opportunities to meet many fine men and women. But the grim reality is that instead of finding friendships and the true love of his/her life, here you are bound to find Plenty of:
Land Whales
Defiant Single Moms
Gold Diggers
Scam Artists
Wanna-be Country Folk
Sluts (with sky high standards)
Mirror Selfies
Drug Addicts
Man Haters
Mind Players
ETC, ETC.....
So unless you want to go down shit creek without a paddle, DO NOT give into your couple friend's suggestions to join Plenty of Fish. Not only will it save you of your sanity, but it may also save your life as well.
Guy Friend: "So have you been seeing anybody recently?"
You: "Um, no. Not really."
Guy's Girlfriend: "We're a little concerned for you, being alone all the time. You are such a great catch, you could join Plenty of Fishto find yourself a lucky lady :)"
You: "Seriously?!? "
Guy Friend : "Why not?"
You: "Thanks, but no thanks. Asides from all the catfish and predators, that website is full of amphibians and the last thing anybody wants to date is a toad with polliwogs!!!"
112👍 47👎
A space time continuum where fat and sad girls alike congregate to find mates, sex, and targets for mental abuse and extreme friends zoning is also a spot where deceiving girls take side profile pictures in a filthy mirror to throw you off and fool yous into thinking that grease spot in the mirror is extra tit do not make this mistake
Hey dude I been using plenty of fish!
Dude bro, John. Its plenty of whales. Every girl I met had "trust issues"
48👍 33👎
Also known by the acronym POF, Plenty of Fish is a online dating service that is free of charge, easy to join, and should also be avoided like the plague. Despite having millions of members, you(as a poor, single sap pressured by your friends/relatives to find love) will find it very difficult to actually discover that special someone. Instead, here you will find Plenty of:
Land Whales
Defiant Single Moms
Con Artists
Gold Diggers
Convicted Felons
Fake Rednecks
So unless you volunteer to go down shit creek without a paddle, DO NOT give in by signing up to this website. Not only will it save you of your sanity, but it may also save your life as well.
Guy Friend:"So, have you been seeing anyone recently?"
You:"Um, no. Not really, why is that?"
Guy Friend's Girlfriend:"We all have noticed that you've been on your own quite a lot recently. And you're such a catch! You don't deserve to be lonely."
Guy Friend:"You could give Plenty of Fish a try. One of my distant relatives actually met the love of his life through that site."
You (in a semi-disgusted manner):"Plenty of Fish, you got to be kidding me! Have any of you noticed all the catfish and predators on there!!! And that site is full of amphibians too!! Trust me, the last thing anybody wants to date is a toad with a bunch of polliwogs!"
33👍 35👎