Polls and Surveys is a section on Yahoo Answers, like the person who defined P&S said. It use to be a lot of fun. Avi games USE to be popular. Users treat their "contacts" like "friends". Its also known for insecure 13 year old girls who go on google and find a pic of a "pretty girl" and set that as their avatar to get attention, because in real life they're ugly and/or have no friends. Then they get busted because their pics never change, or someone sees it on google. Now its a bunch of stupid ass losers who can't take a joke. If you don't have a Formspring, you're a P&S loser. Most of the cool people left...
Actually everyone on there is a loser, but at least some of them are funny losers.
LOL, OMG, I can't believe Bree was fake!!!
You need to make a Formspring!!!! I need to waste life talking to you, because you're a stranger who live 762354672 miles away!!!
*inserts sexual innuendo here*
I can't wait to post stupid questions in Polls & Surveys about how cool my contacts are!
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