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Poo Splatter

The act of having to much Taco Bell and Starbucks and suddenly getting a rush of severe diarrhea running down the hall with it exploding out of your butthole like brown fireworks. Causing everyone it hits to turn into zombie grandmas.

"OMG move, I am going to poo splatter everywhere!" -linda

by 1234eyesonme March 7, 2018

Poo Poo Splatter

Another version of the Shotgun Shittys; but the recipient receives the coronovirus from a thoughtless trip to the local Chinese Buffet during another viral pandemic from the asian continent. All dog meat products produced for human consumption are tainted as to strike the hi-fi, large consuming, thick wasted dumb round eye.

Oh shit, I fucked up... I went to a Chinese buffet and contracted the coronovirus. Left there with poo poo splatter.

by Shotgun Shitter January 27, 2020