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Poop Steeple

Little turd towers left by a nervous dog that stand up like little tiny smelly skyscrapers of refuse. I swear my mom's jack russel does this, I've seen them. Also, see definition for shanghai shitpile. Other commonly used interchangeable terms include:

little shitty city centers, non-denominational minarets of shit, constructs of caca, crap castles, fecal fortress, excremental erections

Kel: "Check it out, Molly is leaving those poop steeples again, she must be nervous about something, or maybe too much damn chinee food. Get the camera!"

Random Girl: "What the fuck are you talking about... take me home!"

Kel: Hold on, this is treasure. 'snap' Alright, lets go."

by kel the dog August 13, 2010

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