When someone is about to go to the toilet you say “poopie support”.
This can be used for purposes of;
support (1) or embarrassment (2).
1. When someone is constipated, tap on the door & whisper “poopie support”, this is showing support & patience to a person if they are struggling to squeeze out a poo.
2. Commonly used in public, you announce someones toiletry behaviours by yelling “poopie support” alarming everyone in the vicinity that this person is about to go do a poo.
Used most effectively, if females are taking a long while in a cubical, this comment will have them ‘flushed’ out in no time (pun intended) shortening your wait times. After all, pooing in a public place can cause extreme embarrassment for any defecating participate, especially a female.
Brendon: “I’ll BRB, just going to the toilet”
Cindy: “ok, do you need poopie support?”
Brendon: “nah I should be right”
Cindy: “well have some anyway just in case you feel the urge” (Cindy yells) “poopie support”
Brendon: “haha ok, thank you”