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Post Traumatic Spring Break Disorder (P.T.S.B.D)

The realization that you have to go back to doing the same ole shit after a week in paradise.

-You think you hear your friend doing a beer bong in the bathroom

-Wake up and throw a towel over your shoulder and head down to the pool that doesn't exist

-You find your hotel room to look exactly like your room at home

Bro 1: Ayyy brah I woke up this morning with a kink in my neck, was gonna head down to the hot tub to straighten it out.

Bro 2: Yo bro, we aren't in PCB anymore, we dont even have a hot tub! You must be suffering from Post Traumatic Spring Break Disorder (P.T.S.B.D)!

by bvc55 March 12, 2012

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