Post-Spacetime Extranaturalism, also Post-Spacetime Supernaturalism, is a philosophical worldview that holds that the supernatural, also extranatural and paranormal, exists beyond spacetime, where several or all elements related to religion, spirituality, esoterics, occultism, metaphysics and extraphysics, such as spirits, souls, consciousness, afterlife, reincarnation, extraphysical mechanics, divinity, gods, deities, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms exist beyond spacetime and cannot be determined by things inside spacetime, but they can be felt, experienced and even accessed in spacetime, and, in some cases, bring to the spacetime by some means, such as spiritual means and technological means. Post-Spacetime extranaturalism also believes in post-spacetime extraphysicalism and post-spacetime extramaterialism, where both, extraphysicalism and extramaterialism are about what’s beyond spacetime and they are excellent to determine things beyond spacetime. Post-Spacetime Extranaturalism also rejects any notion and idea of naturalism, physicalism and materialism since it considers there are things beyond spacetime and it says there are 99,9% of chances to exist life, properties and things beyond spacetime, such as spiritual beings, gods, deities, aliens and even things as souls, spirits, consciousness, afterlife, spiritual worlds, spiritual realities, multiverses and other extraphysical things as well.
“Post-Spacetime Extranaturalism is an interesting theory, it might be good on the understanding of what’s beyond spacetime and even encourage people to study what’s beyond spacetime, even it might take a lot of time until post-spacetime studies and technology start to being developed.”