Premalcastic is a type of mathematical language, which contains elements of; Differential Calculus , Quantum Logic and Probability Theory, Advanced Statistics (complex multivariate relationships), Abstract Algebra, and Mathematical psychology. the form of the notations is radically different to algebra or calculus, it resembles Mandarin (Chinese) and Arabic flowing top to bottom like Japanese writings but compressed together so it very tight. For a beginner it's extremely hard to read. It's primary application is to predict the exact outcome of any event, secondary is to solve highly complex mathematical problems. I will try to add an image of what the mathematic language looks like, to give a clearer idea.
I used Premalcastic Mathematics, to figure out that when that woman across the street picks up a pen someone dropped which will set off a series of events, that will result in a car crashing into this structure, causing that man on top to fall, exactly here on this very spot. So, I've placed this mattress exactly here, to save the man's life when he falls. Look the lady is picking up the pen, now. there goes the man exiting the store almost bumps into her, and the cyclist has to swerve to miss the man but bumps into the power line worker, who trips and knocks over a can of nails, that cause the car's tyre to pop, making the car swerve and hit the scaffold structure, where the man falls and lands on the mattress I just placed there a few minutes ago wasn’t that lucky.. No its not luck, it's mathematics. You just need to use Premalcastic Mathematics to solve the many possible outcomes, to determine that this is exactly where the man would fall.