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Sweating like a priest in a playground!

This term has been going around due to the large amount of pressure and exposure on the Catholic church and there attempts to cover up and shelter the pedophiles and child molesters over the years...

"Christ mick! this exercise is killing me, need to stop for a rest.... I know Tom im Sweating like a priest in a playground!"

by gemineye7 April 4, 2010

21👍 1👎

Priest's Playground

Another word for anus/butthole. Used because sexually abusive priests often rape people in the butthole.

Person 1: Father Dick Johnson won't be leading the service tomorrow.

Person 2: Why not?

Person 1: He's in jail, got busted roughin' up some kiddo's Priest's Playground, if you know what I mean.

Person 2: Not really surprised. He always seemed a little creepy.

Person 1: Maybe he'll drop the soap while he's doing time. It would serve him right.

by Forgettable Name October 30, 2021